Vandersanden building facade


Vandersanden partnered with us to amplify their campaigns using a strategic, data-driven approach guided by the 3H model.


Defining campaign pressure for Vandersanden using the 3H Model

Vandersanden is a Belgian family business that aspires to be meaningful and inspiring in our living environment. They are one of Europe's largest brick producers, creating facade bricks, paving stones, and brick slips in numerous shapes and variations. Yet, their mission extends beyond function; Vandersanden aims to enable livability, co-creating with designers, developers, and construction companies to find innovative and sustainable solutions that inspire, connect, and enhance collective well-being.

The challenge

Vandersanden modern building

Navigating the complex field of digital marketing for Vandersanden required striking a delicate balance of campaign pressure.

The challenge was to carefully calibrate the timing and intensity of campaigns, engage various audiences, maintain consistency across platforms, and ensure that all communication efforts align.

The ultimate aim was to create a lasting impression of the Vandersanden brand without overloading the audience with too much information.

The Reference serves as an extension of our digital marketing team in a rapidly changing marketing landscape with amongst all the influence of AI and Social Media in our marketing mix. With the 3H model, they helped us to reflect on our campaign strategy and brought structure to the table.

Thomas Rabijns, Digital Transformation Manager at Vandersanden

The solution

To make this a reality, a workshop was held with the Vandersanden team. The aim was to diligently map out the 2024 campaign strategy using the 3H model (Hero, Hub, Hygiene). The task required juggling diverse messages that had to be customized for different B2B audiences within numerous European countries.

The outcome was remarkably productive, yielding a well-defined map of various campaign initiatives and clusters. This strategic blueprint serves as a guide for the distribution of media budgets and the formulation of the media planning for 2024, ensuring a tailored and impactful approach to each target audience.

Additionally, integrating CRO and SEO into the campaign strategy enhances the overall effectiveness and impact of Vandersanden's marketing initiatives by optimizing conversion pathways, improving organic visibility, and delivering personalized experiences tailored to the diverse needs of their B2B audiences across Europe.

How we made this work

Vandersanden ad example

The Hero-Hub-Hygiene approach

For this project, the 3H model was our guiding principle. Hygiene was our starting point, referring to our always-on-SEA campaigns. The 'Hero' denoted overarching campaigns like 'Together to Zero'; whereas 'Hub' pertained to activation campaigns such as 'Pirrouet', and 'E-board'. 

Strategically Internalizing Products and Services

We analyzed the annual planning and seasonality of the products and services. We then identified the particular attributes of products and services and examined how they fit into the buying journey of the target audience.

The strategic goals in combination with the unique selling propositions of the products and services guided us on when and how to position each product or service in the timeline.

Constant Optimization and Monitoring

The insights from our Hero and Hub campaigns fueled CRO that in turn enabled the optimization of customer pathways. With close monitoring of all campaigns using reporting dashboards, quick optimization measures could be implemented, thereby ensuring agility in all our communication efforts.

As Vandersanden's long-term strategic partner, our insights into revenue and sales data allow us to tailor budget allocations to their needs, making a real difference in creating impactful, tailored campaigns.

Lander Desmedt, Program Manager at The Reference

The services that made this happen

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